Your nest egg
Plan to enjoy your retirement
“Over 400,000 KiwiSaver members who are in default funds may have missed out on $1 billion over the last six years because they are in the wrong type of fund and are being over-taxed” (NZ Herald, July 2018)
Getting your KiwiSaver set-up correctly can help you save for your 1st home faster, and maximise your retirement savings. KiwiSaver offers many unique benefits that aren’t available with other investments including ‘free’ government money. Don’t miss out.
KiwiSaver for Individuals
Most of us were signed up to KiwiSaver by our employer or bank with no financial advice. Not surprisingly, relatively few people have their KiwiSaver settings optimised for their financial goals.
Our complimentary KiwiSaver HealthCheck service helps you to answer four essential questions:
Fund type - What is the correct fund type for your age, situation and personality?
Contributions - What level of contributions do I need to make to achieve my home-buying or retirement goals?
Prescribed Investor Rate - What tax rate should I have set for my KiwiSaver?
KiwiSaver Provider - Which provider best suits my needs and preferences?
KiwiSaver for Businesses
Wouldn’t you like the money you put into your employee’s KiwiSaver to work harder for them? Many employees will still be in default funds earning low returns . As a good employer you can help staff to make informed decisions on their KiwiSaver. Boosting your employees’ financial knowledge and wealth is a great way to show staff that you care.
Our complimentary KiwiSaver service has 3 simple steps:
Presentation - Interactive 30min presentation at a staff meeting on KiwiSaver benefits & common mistakes.
Health Checks - Interested staff can sign-up for a complementary 1:1 KiwiSaver ‘health check’ where they get information to make informed decisions.
Future Proof - Set-up a preferred KiwiSaver provider so that new staff automatically get a great provider and avoid default funds with low returns.