Why Nautilus
We help people to grow their financial health and to protect against the financial impact of health events.
Financial health is the peace of mind you feel when you don’t have to worry about money. It’s knowing that you are prepared for what may happen, along with having the time and choices to enjoy the things you love.
Just like the amazing chambered Nautilus that inspired our name, we help people to balance ongoing growth with just the right level of protection for each life stage.
The Nautilus begins life within a tiny shell, protecting the animal inside. As it outgrows the chamber it develops and moves into a new larger one. This adjustment of growth and protection process continues throughout its life.
How we help
The way we work helps people feel at ease and in control. Your aspirations and concerns drive our focus and advice.
Our relaxed and professional style is based on our values of respect and integrity. Each person, family or business is different.
Before we try to help you, we get to know you. We:
Provide relevant information
Let clients self-identify any needs
Provide options and advice
Remain courteous and respectful
What we do
Personal Services
We help people to:
Save for a 1st home faster
Maximise their retirement savings
Protect themselves and their family from the financial impact of illness, accidents and death
Business Services
We help businesses to:
Design winning strategy & improve operations
Protect the business if a key person can’t work
Improve employee financial knowledge
Increase staff engagement with valuable benefits