Own your online

Online scammers love it when we make it easy for them! Nautilus has partnered with the National Cyber Security Centre to encourage you to “own your online”. We share the top Cyber Smart tips below.

1. Create long, strong and unique passwords
Use a different password for each account and avoid using personal information, like your date of birth, in your password. Passphrases (random phrases of four or more words, for example CoffeeCounts.asameal or MapsshouldbeSouth-sideup) make for the best passwords. They’re easy to remember but hard for attackers to crack.

2. Turn on two-factor authentication (2FA)
2FA is an additional layer of security that helps to protect your online accounts. A common form of 2FA is a unique code sent to your phone or taken from an app that only you have access to. You can use it to authenticate who you are every time you log in. That way, even if an attacker gets your login details, they still won’t get in. Start by setting up 2FA on your bank, email and social media accounts.

You can watch simple, short videos about these tips and learn more by visiting the Stop the Scamathon” website.

Cameron Inskeep